冰球暴亂一周年 博物館內看留言
June 15, 2012, 去年今日, 溫哥華加人冰球隊失去贏取史丹利杯的机会, 引發一場震撼性暴亂,有如晴天霹靂。什么世界最適宜人類居住城市,什么冬奧萬人街头同歡画面等等良好感覺一掃而空,使人懊喪不已。好在第二天稍為定神之後,很多市民自动去市中心幫助清理收拾殘局。被打碎了的玻璃窗暫時蓋上木板。市民紛紛在木板上留言表達心意,幾天之後成為這个城市另外一道風景。
First Anniversary of the Hockey Riot – A look at the Message Boards MOV Exhibition. We all remembered the riot apology wall, messages written on the boarding outside the Bay store downtown, following the Stanley Cup Riot one year ago today. Some of those planks are on display inside a downtown church for 3 days only. Some 15 of them are on display now at the Museum of Vancouver. 1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver, B.C. Please come down to revisit part of our city’s history.
溫哥華博物館,簡祢MOV,由今日開始把收藏的該批木板精選15塊展出。詳情請查看: museumofancouver.ca 1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver, B.C.
The Bay downtown-All glass windows in this picture and more were smashed during the Riot. 海灣百貨公司的玻璃窗在暴亂當晚全被打碎.
Broken windows were boarded-up the next day. thousands of messages were written on those plywoods.第二天只好用木板蓋着. 市民在木板上留言, 展示心声。
One year later. today, some of the planks were displying inside a downtown church. 部分留言板在市區教堂展出. 這是教堂外.
Some messages outside the church. 大概是暴亂一周年之感言.
Museum of Vancouver. 溫哥華博物館在樓下. 天文館在樓上.
Now we can read the messages in a calm and peachful environment of the museum. 現在我們可以在安靜、和平的環境下看那感性的眾多留言.
Museum curator Hanna Cho was very helpful. 博物館館長趙小姐(原藉韓)接見及解答問題.
Miss Cho talked about the comments that were full of community spirits . 趙小姐對不同留言都有見觧.
Some were written in Chinese. 中文留言表示對温哥華之愛.
Never riot again! 永不再暴動! 是多數人的心声.
Her favour, and ours as well. 她愛這一句, 我們也是. 「我們仍相信」,患難見真情也.
No censorship here. 有些負面言詞也不作删除, 忠於歷史.
15 planks are on display this time. 70 more are in storage. 留言木板有六,七十塊, 可見商店遭受到的破壞多么嚴重.
Love our Canuck, love our city. 愛心沒法擋.
Go Canucks Go!