洞穴新娘地獄門 隆鎮同鄉一日遊
To Hell’s Gate and back with a big headache – Zhungshan Lung Jen Benevolent Society’s summer day trip to the Fraser Valley
温哥華三面環水, 開車他往必需經過橋梁或隧道. 向北有獅門橋和第二海峽大橋; 向南由西起有Oak橋和Knight橋, 經列治文穿过海底隧道直達美加邊境.其餘大橋很少用, 經常忘記那座橋去什么地方. 現試列簡表如下以求一目了然:
1. Richmond > George Massey Tunnel> Delta > hwy99 > US border
2. Queensborough-Alex Fraser Bridge over Annacis Island
3. New Westminster > Pattullo Bright > Surrey > King George Highway.
4. Vancouver > Burnaby > NewWest > Port Mann Bridge, hwy 1.>East Surrey/Guildford.
5. Port Coquitlam > hwy 7/Lougheed hwy > Pitt Meadows – Golden Ears Bridge >Langley.
City of Hope – THE CONFLUENCE OF TWO RIVERS… Between the Coast Mountain Range and the Cascade Mountain Range, this hub of southern BC highways makes Hope a readily accessible destination from which to explore some of the most beautiful and dramatic BC wilderness. Within a half hour drive, there are awe-inspiring desert canyons, vast stands of coastal rainforest, rugged snow capped mountains, expansive alpine meadows and fast-flowing rivers. 希望鎮-位于两大山脈之間是1号公路和3号公路之交叉口, 兩大水系流經此地. 是露營者和熱愛戶外活動者天堂. 游水、獨木舟、爬山、滑雪、腳踏車、步行等各适其适. 我们今天行程表上三个景點均在附近. The Othello Tunnels – A provincial park located near Hope, British Columbia focused on the canyon of the Coquihalla River and a decommissioned railway grade, now a walking trail, leading eventually to Coquihalla Pass. Originally part of the Kettle Valley Railway, five tunnels and a series of bridges follow a relatively straight line through the gorge, which is lined with sheer, flat rock cliffs. 奧塞罗隧道是Kettle Valley 峡谷铁路遗迹的一部分,曾经是 B.C.省著名的鉄路系統. 雖然这条路径早已不在,铁路基却经改造成了徒步和骑单車的小径。洞穴、峽谷、深河, 沿途風光如畫.隧道就在Hope外Coquihalla省立公園内。他们一般在夏季向公众开放.現在是夏天但今天因時间關係, 只能穿过其餘五條山洞隧道而没有机會親自去欣賞史泰龍<第一滴血> 電影拍攝場地. Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park – is located on the Trans-Canada Highway just east of Rosedale, British Columbia, part of the City of Chilliwack. The community of Bridal Falls is located adjacent to the falls and park was well as the interchange between the Trans-Canada and BC Highway 9 and has a variety of highway-based tourism services .
新娘瀑布 (直譯為新娘面紗瀑布) 瀑布像是一条白色的纱缦,高高地悬挂在山崖之上, 極似新娘面紗.新娘瀑布的落差很大,沿着BC-9公路南行,距离十余公里以外就能看到, 此处距离加拿大1号公路极近. 我們从地獄門沿1号公路南下, 忽然遇着傾盆大雨, 雨势大到幾乎不能開車. 巴士司機不肯「上山」, 改去 Langley 市一个農場. 却引起不愉快洗手間事件, 至今仍未解決, 以後有机會再談事件之前因後果.
July 17-2016 8AM Chinatown. 星期天早上八點奇化街集合.
boarding and distributing bottled waters & BBQ pork buns. 上車時每人獲派瓶裝水及义燒飽各一.
Nice buses inside and out. 租用两部旅遊巴,每部可乘坐56人.
The new and beautiful Port Mann Bridge. 过萬寧港大橋沿一号公路向西行.
world’s second wildest with 10 lanes, opened in 2012. 世界第二最闊,10線行車,2012年通車取代旧橋.數碼拍照取代人手收費.
First stop at the highway public Rest area. 第一站停公众休息處.
Green grasses and clear water made a perfect picture. 亞楠喜見附近小河流水.
Highway 1 in 4 western provinces,is part of Trans-Canada Highway.一号公路是橫貫公路由太平洋到大西洋全長 4,999英里. 鐵騎士有男有女在我們两架巴士間穿出穿入姿勢优美.
Travelling along with the trains. 沿途一面靠山一面臨水,山水間有火車軌.
High mountains near Hope. 希望鎮有崇山峻嶺,有两河流过峽谷.
One of the 7 mountain tunnels. 我們穿过6个山洞. 可惜不能停車步入 Othello 奧塞罗洞穴緬懷一下壺谷風光及「第一滴血 First Blood亅外景場地.
2 hours 30 minutes later-Hell’s Gate airtram entrance. 两个多小時後到達地獄門.
The group picture-a must. 先來張大合照. 連景點經理事後看到都贊:好照片 Great pictures!
Paid and stamp on hand. 付費入場,手背蓋印
Friendly Amy handle a hundred-strong customers with easy. 附近小镇的 Amy小姐來上班車程不短.景點設有員工宿舍.
The only descending gondolas in North America. These aerial trams that cover a 152 metre descent give you a bird’s eye view of one of the most treacherous passages on the Fraser River. 北美洲唯一往下降落的吊車系統.
Observation Decks. 多个觀景平台.
Suspension Bridge. 吊橋跨越急流.
You can feel and see the water under the bridge and under your feet. 橋面非封蔽式,行人清楚看到足下急流,十分震撼.(綱照)
800 million litres of water per minute thunder trough this narrow passage. 急流滾滾而來.
33 metre wide passage. 到窄道流水變成激流
“We had to travel where no human being should venture for surely we have encountered the gate of hell”-Simon Fraser-1808. 探險家西門菲沙1808年描繪來到此地之如入地獄門感受.今天我們看到急流漩渦也有點膽戰心驚.
tourist walking the Suspension Bridge. 遊客來自四方.
Near the Observation Decks are many place for photos. 觀景台一帶提供許多拍照背景誏遊客拍个痛快.
Simon Fraser himself. 地獄門之名字由來.
More photo opportunities. 我們給平台帶來了熱鬧氣氛.
It’s like the real thing. 坐完吊車意猶未盡.
For a close up look. 張生張太悠然自得.
Old timer stove. 古老爐头似曾相識.
Hell’s Gate gold mine 菲沙河谷有尋金途徑.金礦等遣跡.
Salmon fish net. 三文魚網.
Gold Panning. 淘金夢,玩淘金
Trying and hoping for gold. 不甘後人.
Small restaurant. 小小餐室.
Nice inside or outside. 餐室內外都舒適兼有特色.黄校友兄妹亦有同感.
Going up-Back to the main gate. 吊車返回入口處.
Tram car capacity:25. 吊車可容25人.
Next stop:Bridal Falls. 遊罷地獄門回程本來停新娘瀑布.(網照)
But it was rained out at the last minute. 可惜忽然風雲色變.見識了什么是傾盆大雨!
Bus driver don’t want to go. 為了安全,只好作罷.当然去不成洗手間.
Took us to a Langley farm market instead, a big mistake!!!! 改去農場幫襯(分两方面),却引起不愉快事件!