中西荟萃 加中艺术桥优胜作品展
文/图:刘耀国Stephen Low
由加中艺术桥协会主办的首届书画大赛,早前在温哥华华埠举行开幕暨颁奖仪式,联邦就业及社会发展兼多元文化部长康尼(Jason Kenney) 、中国驻温哥华代总领事茅润龙及知名书画大师周士心等应邀出席。「第一届加中艺术桥书画大赛」分为国画组、书法组及西洋画组三类,得奖作品一共53件,在华埠国际村商场(International Village)由康尼代表联邦政府向得奖者颁发嘉许状。得奖作品在国际画廊展出后, 现在移师渥列治商场(Oakridge Centre) 继续展出至二月九日。渥列治展出场地布局专业、作品都在眼平线eye level 之上. 天然光明亮, 看得舒服, 比汇丰总行的摆钟画廊pendulum gallery 更理想.
Oakridge Centre January 28, 2015 – February 9, 2015
Last year, Katherine and John Chan of the International Arts Gallery launched The Arts Bridge Competition. It is the one of the first large-scale Chinese arts competitions that specifically features Canadian artists. This endeavour connects Western and Chinese cultures through art and showcases both established and emerging artists in our community. Supported by the federal government, the Arts Bridge Competition encourages artists to appreciate and learn from the style and distinct forms of paintings from another culture.
A jury made up of various Asian community arts groups and well-known members of the Federation of Canadian Artists worked together to determine the winners in each category. The appreciation of style is the bridge to link the two cultures, cultivating a mutual respect for artistic skill across different cultures.
以下图片前两张由国际画廊提供, 第三、四张由黄振鹏提供:
News conference. 新闻发布会上国际画廊陈士伉俪及周士心老师和王健教授.
Welcoming guests. 阿浓老师迎接嘉宾. 中为画家赵行方.
Opening day at the International Village. 黄振鹏与周士心老师及陈莫慧贤在国际村颁奖大会上.
Skylight and display area both providing a comfortable atmosphere for the exhibition. 渥列治商场干净明亮. 参观者络绎不绝.
Chinese Calligraphy section. 书法部分展出.
Our member Mr. Wong and his Calligraphy. 黄校友及其得奖作品.
Eternal happiness. 知足常乐, 言简意赅.
Section of the Chinese paintings. 国画部分得奖作品.
God’s playground. 神仙境界.
Winter scenery. 雪境蓝图, 静中有动.
Dancing with music. 有歌有舞, 红衣聚焦. 背景人物颇堪玩味.
Colorful “wild” open space. 壮丽山河.
Decorative Design as 9 or as one pictures. 水墨荷花,手法灵活. (荷莲本是同一物. 荷是花, 莲是果实. 睡莲却不同,是浮于水面之上的).
Traditional Chinese paintings with new techniques. 中西合璧, 书法配彩图, 营造出一点诗情画意.
Snowscape. 刘志文的雪景,像瀑布留白手法, 有异曲同工之妙.
Red apples for your eyes. 目遇之而成色,尽显画家深厚功力.
Tropical beauties. 热带风光,孔雀开屏.
Farmer’s daughters. 阳光清韵,跃然纸上.
Thanks for coming, see you next time. 谢谢参观, 后会有期.