青春的影子 加东学子西岸游
图文/刘耀国(Steve Low)
我们加东的亲戚有个女儿上月联同她的大学同窗友好们一共十人, 趁开学前来温哥华玩了七天. 不同族裔的同行者多数是土生土长, 第一次踏足西岸.
大概是出发前做足功课, 又得高人指点, 这里有什么好玩的东西、那里该是必去的地方己了如指掌. 他们利用出租车, 脚踏车, 安步当车, 深入体会西岸的生活情趣.
第一天他们就去Grouse Grind 爬上松鸡山. 松鸡山山径峻峭, 尾段几乎是垂直而上, 本地人用来缎练体能, 外地人抱着不到长城非好汉的心理来做个「征服者」. 第二天去Deep Cove 深湾玩好似独木舟的kayak 皮艇, 很多本地人也未必试过. 以后的几天各人都玩得开心, 可能是没有了跟团或随家长出游那样刻板之缘故吧.
忽然想起「一旦羽翼成, 随风四散飞」. 让这两句代表今日青年人自立自由, 便是好现象. 现在请大家跟随年轻人的镜头去看看我们的城市.
From east to the west coast – 7 days in Vancouver
Joanna and her friends, some from University of Waterloo , some were the first time set foot on the west coast, had spent one week in our city last month, everyone seem to enjoy their stay.
They did the GRIND, kayaking in Deep Cove, which most of us haven’t try, visited UBC,
SFU atop Burnaby Mountain, tried out the foods at the night market and all around
town, walking along Georgia , Robson and Granville Island, biking around Stanley Park , rode the Sky trains, met with friends and relatives etc.
These were all very nice, but the fun and joy we see from the following pictures, by Joanna and friends, are the fun and joy of freedom. Free from travel agency and parents.
Synchronizing cell phones-到达温哥华. 在机场租了两部车. 10人分两组, 先调较好手机本地地图,时间等同步应用资料.
Staying with 2 different families- 分住在两个不同的家庭里.
Grouse Grind entrance – 登山陡径入口. 山径有二, 一上一落.
Half point mark. 攀登了一半, 难不倒年青人.
Almost there but the rest will be more difficult – 越爬越高越险峻(径长2.9公里直上至海拔853 米 )
We did it ! —— 完成壮举, 只需一小时三十分钟.
We did the mountain, now we will do the water -玩完山要玩水, 来到深湾Deep Cove.
Nice gears -全套武装准备出海.
West coast kayaking – 好似独木舟, 但这是皮艇, 运动多过实用.
View from Burnaby Mountain- 本那比山远眺海港日落景色.
Richmond Night Market- 行列治文夜市, 十分热闹有趣.
Yummy! 各式美食的诱惑.
These are something else! 不同口味, 但两者皆不可错过.
A Memorable night. 有玩有食, 当然印象难忘.
McDonald head-quarter. 麦当劳总店也去到, 好好享受一下.
Kids days all over again- 回到少年时.
Happy meals. 快餐也可以食得很快乐.
We love the Brentwood station. 访客与我们所见略同——这个车站最靓.
Air Conditioned car – 这里的快车与多伦多、三藩市等相比, 是小巫见大巫但有特色.
Clean and bright- 清洁光亮, 因为是天车而非地下车.
Reminded us of Hong Kong. 这张有点香港味道.
Colorful Downtown- 市中心花草树木不缺.
Nice bus stop- 巴士站也美观, 少涂鸦.
Bicycles instead of cars – 骑单车才能慢慢感受到这里的环境.
Stanley Park, here we come-向史丹利公园进发.
One of the park attractions-「马」车游公园, 马达motor的马.
We don’t feel like tourists- 不似游客的游客.
So this is the West Coast- 由东岸来到西岸, 宾至如归.
Riding on one of the best place on earth- 异地也从容, 各人玩得很开心.
Brockton Point light house- 世界各地的已全部自动化, 灯塔看守人都失业了.
Empress of Japan figurehead- 女皇号龙头. 该货轮1891至1922由日本运丝绸来温哥华.
Siwash Rock-传说中之印帝安人首领, 被四巨人变为水中石头.
Life on the rocky beaches- 捉到不同颜色的小蟹.
Marching downtown- 浩浩荡荡行市中心.
Shopping on Robson- 行苙晨街. 女孩子少不免去行行名店.
I think I will try on these – 男士也试身.
Trying on new fashion-试新装.
How about this hat? -试新帽.
Cool sun glasses- 试新潮太阳眼镜.
Japadog and more- 日式大热狗一夜成名, 来到温哥华非试不可.
Entering Granville Island- 两车进入格兰瑚岛.
The broom Store- 扫把也有专门店.
A last look at beautiful QE park – 往机场前还有时间到女皇公园看看.
Last day in Vancouver-西岸假期接近尾声. 机场合照.
Farewell Vancouver- 别了温哥华. Thanks for the memories !
It was our pleasure to see all these happy faces.
小 馬- 提供的相片一氣看完,大開眼界,大飽眼福,既有藝術性,又有娛樂性,充滿生活氣息,令人神往。我雖也年過半百,但渴望有朝一日能模仿年輕人般到貴地一遊