Travel Log (1) – China Pavilion, EXPO 2010 SHANGHAI CHINA. May 01 to Oct.31
关于上海世博, 和世博中国馆, 我们早巳得到大量资料、展览馆图片等等。本来计划10月先去上海, 再去吉隆坡出席世界中山同乡恳亲会, 最后往成都参加A&W 的婚宴。但十月Wendy 在满地可忽然要考毕业试,喜酒提前, 打乱我们的行程。索性什么地方也不去, 一直至同乡会和多个侨社皆组团10月作世博江南游。
大家明白世博地大人多, 不可能看到什么, 只想去感受一下那里的气氛而巳。结果因天雨人龙, 气氛不好, 却开了眼界。国内流行的黑色幽默: 如果不去世博, 终生遗憾; 如果去了世博, 遣憾终生。
以下的照片得来不易, 希望你们不会太失望。好戏在后头, 明年再见。
We knew the pros and cons of going to the Shanghai Expo well before it opens its gates to the public, and didn’t made up our minds until late August when they offered the $199.00 8-day tour to Expo and surrounding cities. ($1000.00 with airfare and taxes)
We went, we saw, and we have the pictures. (late October) Was it worth the trouble? Or was it like the Chinese are saying, half jokingly: If you don’t go, the rest of your life will be in regret; If you went, you will be sorry for the rest of your life.
9:30 AM lined up at the Expo gate and through security check. 凌晨五时起床, 早餐。七时出发, 九时半到达17号停车场, 车场可容纳八千部巴士。7号闸排队, 过安检。
Doing some planning while waiting. 先看地图, 安排行程。
There were 5 zones and we started from B to A, where the China Pavilion stands tall and mighty. 世博园分五区。我们由B 的高架步行道行去A 的中国馆需时35分钟,沿途看到澳大利亚、新西兰、星加坡和马来西亚等展览馆。
Tired but managed to smile for the camera. 疲倦的义工, 不忘对着镜头微笑。
Expo theme pavilions. First look at the big line-ups. 世博主题馆。先看排队的情形: 像沙丁鱼一样。插队原来不是横腰插入, 因为有栏杆和保安。
40 minuets walk and 2 hours lined up before We finally heading up to the bottom of the China Pavilion. 早上十时到了中国馆外围排队,两小时后乘电梯上去。
My god! Huge line-up all over again! 上到馆下广场, 大家都呆了。图中每个人的位置都要排, 排完再排另一边。后面的人不停地迫上去, 一有空位就打尖越前。所以要一个贴一个, 不理会男女肢体接触了。
Another two hours later, we were in front of the elevator. 又过了几个钟, 终于到了升降机前, 快将可以上去看个究竟。
Is it worth all that trouble? We are about to find out. 中国馆欢迎您。
The exhibition has 3 parts in 3 floors. The first part being THE FOOTPRINTS. The old, the new and the future of fast changing China. 展览有三个环节, 分三层举行。第一个环节主题是东方的足迹,中国古今未来的路向。
The Upside down city at the Pre-show Hall. 预览厅——倒挂的城市、及其他图片展, 看得辛苦。
Story of Spring —— 180 degree movie. China’s main events of the last 3 decades. 春天的故事 —— 过去30年中国大事回顾,如航天成就、四川大地震等。
A friendly & helping hand. 援救与友谊之手。
Reminiscence. Lifestyle at different ages. 岁月回眸。城市, 家居, 精神面貌的巨变。
River of Wisdom. One of the main reason we had came to the China Pavilion. 智慧的长河, 来中国馆主要原因。
A look at the 12 century classic Chinese city life in one day. 清明上河图长卷, 右至左在眼前展开。
On the enlarged and animated version of the famous painting “Riverside Scene at the Qingming Festival”. 清明上河图放大动画版,巳有外国博物馆有兴趣引入此中国技术。
And it showed both day and night activities. 不但会动, 还可以展现日与夜景色。
The face expression says it all. 观众的表情只有惊和喜。
Children’s Aspiration. 98 paintings by children.儿童畅想, 是98幅儿童作品的主题。
Children’s dream of the future. 画笔精巧, 彩色亮丽。
Left in the distance: The Expo Culture Center.富有创意:窗外左方见世博文化中心。
Land of Hope. Harmony between people and the land. 希望的大地:要人们有个绿色家园。
Under the same Roof. Man and natural, people and city have to work together. 同一屋檐下。人与人, 人与自然, 人与城市和谐发展。
Do our part to save energy. 城市律动,也是环境保护的讯息。
Super Rice. 超级水稻 —— 中国努力研究的成果。
A closed up look. 超级水稻近看, 很大粒。
Part Two. The Dialogue. Innovation of China’s Urban planning & construction. 第二节主题: 寻觅之旅。游车河看古今建设。
The Platform. Took us for a ride to see the gardens…月台。乘小车看园林…
To see the bridges over the decades…看古代桥梁…
The Dougong Brackets, an old Chinese building technique. 看斗拱区——中国建筑艺技, 古有天坛, 今有中国馆。
The new bridges. Dialogue on urban transportation. 现代化桥梁。
Urban planning, modern buildings. 现代城市规划。
Part Three. The Vision. Low-carbon lifestyle. 第三节主题: 低碳行动——取之有道,返璞归真, 用之有节等。顾名思义, 都是环保意识。
Warning from Nature. Degradation in our natural environment is threatening the well being of our life. 自然警示。碳排放增加, 自然环境恶化,威胁人类社会的发展,要以中国传统智慧发展低碳城市。
Fountain of Illumination, a circular waterfall.感悟之泉。环形水窗,水帘变出字样。
Lotus in full blossom. Imply the wish for a better future of cities. “Better City, Better Life”. 水池中盛放的荷花乃点题之作: 城市, 让生活更美好。
And we’ve seen it all!! Glimpse of the buildings below. 全部展出看完, 窗外是世博轴。
On our way down. It is now 3:30 PM. Have not had lunch yet. 乘电梯下来, 巳是下午三点半, 还未食午餐。
Very interesting and good quality pictures! I’ve been there and I know it is absolutely not easy to take all these pictures! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
to October 31. please