風雪繼續.. 社區中心熱鬧慶祝中國新年
Killerney Community Centre’s Chinese New Year Celebration with a multicultural twist.
奇蘭尼社區中心今年联合多个不同族裔慶祝中國新年, 有多元文物歌舞表演及豐富午餐. 外面冰天雪地, 駕車或步行都不方便, 却沒有影响参加者的興趣. 中心内喜氣洋洋, 人 人都享受到温暖. 美中不足是回程忽然又下起大雪, 狂風橫掃,雪塊撲面十分難受. 我们乘巴士(三个站)回家.
Clearing snows from sidewalk early in the morning. 早上十點前鏟雪.
Clearing snows from sidewalk late at night. 晚上十點後又鏟雪.
Sunday Feb 5, 2017. On our way to Killarney Community Center. 二月五日步行往 奇蘭尼社區中心参加中國新年联歡節目.
1/3 of the houses haven’t shovel their part of city sidewalks. 三分之一家庭未鏟雪.
We always say thanks when we saw someone shoveling snows; And when people walk by when we were shoveling snows, most of them smile and said thank you too. 每遇見有人鏟雪,我們都由衷地說声多謝; 我們鏟雪時路过的行人多數也說句謝謝.
made a short cut across the huge field. 橫過大草地大橾場. 半个鐘头到達. 行雪地未帶太陽眼鏡真失策. 健行手杖也应該两枝并用.
Seems everybody were on time. BC MLA Suzanne Anton handing out lucky red envelopes, a Chinese New Year celebration tradition. 省議員蘇姗安彤派利是.
Good luck to everyone. 人人有份.
Entertainment part one starts. 上半場節目開始. 大家聚精會神欣賞.
Starts with young dancers from the famous Loreta Leung Dance Academy. 先由梁漱華舞蹈團演出.
Nice movement. 个人表演也做到高潮迭起.
Solid performances. 高難度动作.訓練有素.
Wonderful group dancing.Fast pace. 充滿青春活力.
Colorful costumes. 少數民族服裝設計艶麗.
Lovely red shoes. 服飾長辮、紅鞋夠搶眼.
Almost 200 seniors enjoying this annual event. 數百長者不怕天寒地滑來此歡聚一堂.使人倍感温暖.
Jessica- Principal and Artistic Director of Lorita Leung Dance Academy.
Dance students of all levels showing their best. 小女孩, 大女孩到少女都舞藝出色.
Michelle has something nice to say about the group, the Dance company and their teachers. 中心負責人贊賞表演嘉賓.
Lady in Black: Jessica , Daughter of Lorita Leung. (Principal and Artistic Director of Lorita Leung Dance Academy. ) 院長兼藝術总监钟捷茜小姐 (黑衣者).
Time for lunch. 午餐時間.
Meals right to each table. 工作人員派餐行动敏捷.
This year still Chinese food, next year maybe Korean. 今年仍是中餐. 明年或試試其它. 韓國,曰本,南亞等.
More then enough. 食完仍有一盒盒供有興趣者帶回家.
Working hard. 工作人員和大小義工很落力.服務周到.
Luk Tung Kuen Association group picture. 世界六通拳社區中心学員大合照.
Michelle and helpers. 主持及大小義工都很投入.
waste Management ! 分門別類為環保.
Prize draw- mother and daughter made a good team. 抽奖環節, 母女合作.
Entertainment continues……part 2.from more diverse culture backgrounds. The oldest in this group is only 10 years, and has been dancing for 6 years! 下半場特顯多元文物. 印裔小孩三歲已学舞.
First nations had a long history of cultural encounter and exchange with the Chinese 原居民祖先已和中國人文化交往. 左边那位的祖父還識講廣東話.
Gets a standing ovation. 唱歌擊鼓說故事. 全場起立致意.
it was a success! 享受了一个有意思的寒冬下午. 作好準備迎接另一場暴風雪.明天下午橫掃本省.