The Fish House Father’s Day
图/文:刘耀国(Stephen Low)
晨昏定省不需记 父母亲节有表示
古代中国乃礼义之邦, 邦国下每个家庭严厉实施"百行孝为先"之教育计划; 现代中国人不论身在何方,早已自我废弃了许多繁文缛节.在西方国家,特别是北美洲, 父母对子女最好像交朋友般客客气气, 孩子长大后每年母亲节和父亲节应有所表示. 表示谢意的方法不外乎送花、朱古力或蛋糕.隆重一点请食晚餐,皆大欢喜.
这一篇无意深入探讨中外礼仪或两代相处之道, 因为不够资格. 只是借双亲节那几天出外晚餐所见与各位重温风光如画的温哥华两处景点.
Father’s Day 2014
昨日父親節,女儿一早訂了位在史丹利公園海鮮餐廳 (The Fish House in Stanley Park) 一家人食晚餐. 歷史性建築融入園林中.
環境优美, 名副其實的花園酒家. Restaurant in the Park-we have 10 of them in Vancouver. We wanted to try everyone of them. This was a good start.
Beautiful surroundings. 餐廳外小花徑. 大雨过後倍覺舒服.
Entrance to the restaurant.
入口石階, 綠色樹叢作掩映.
Large selection of wines and beyond.
酒類選擇多. 侍應生如數家珍, 却不作硬銷.
Easy and relax.
West Coast catch of the day including Salmon, Black Cod, Oyster, Crab, Prawn, Scallop, Lobster, Halibut and Mussels etc.
各种西岸海鲜配以頂級猪、牛扒, 淋上祕製醬汁便色香味俱佳.
Cheerful staff made visitors feel welcomed.
笑容可掬, 客人見到也開心.
Outdoor tables and chairs for those prefer fresh air. 夏天戶外餐飲亦是不錯的選擇.
Walking around the park after dinner.
餐後在公園散步, 人在画圖中.
Mother’s Day, 2014
We went to Granville Island for dinner last month on Mother’s Day.
上月母親節我们到格蘭湖島慶祝. 以前 Daisy學畫常到這里 Opus Art Supply買器材. 現不弹此調久矣.
Something haven’t Change much, something are new.
Public Market as interesting as ever.
Quality baked goods and you have to pay a little bit more for that but we don’t mind too much.
优質糕點物有所值. 售價稍高但”食过翻尋味".
Outside and inside of the public market.
公眾市場外有街頭表演; 市場內有地方休息.
More new buildings on the water front.
岸边多了新建築. 人口有增無減. 此處繼續兴旺.
Little False Creek Ferry.
小小渡輪海程很短, 夏天遊船河風景不錯.
Do you want to live near the water and the bridge?
A quiet Corner on the Island.
漫步河边一角, 遠離煩囂.
Stanley Park and the Northshore in the distance.
We are having dinner here tonight. Not much from outside.
我們今晚食餐的地方原是工廠, 其貌不揚.
But nice inside.
里面装修不俗, 座位舒適.
Upper level fireplace added a little family cozy atmosphere.
Thank you and please come again.
笑語盈盈的送客. 使客人留下美好的印象.